I can tell that I'm "maturing" as a haunter, because I have actually created a building schedule for myself. ;) I know, that really makes things sound like work, but if I don't have a deadline (pun intended) I won't realize how quickly my time is running out. PLUS, my husband has yet again talked me into a week long, out of town vacation in October... so, it is highly important that I stay on target so that I can enjoy the holiday and the vacation to the FULLEST extent :)
From today, we have exactly 9 weeks till October 1st. I know some of you out there are probably screaming at your computer screens right now, cursing me for actually revealing how little time we have, but awareness is key to success! (Ok, my inner positive reinforcement cheerleader escaped for a moment there ;))
So here it is, the first 5 weeks of my 9 week schedule:
Week 1 - Aug. 1 - 6: Complete Stingy Jack's neck and face reconstruction (all PM/clay/paint). Complete Shakespeare tombstone.
Week 2 - Aug. 7 - 13: Complete Jack's hand sculpt & buy more foam for MORE tombstones.
Week 3 - Aug. 14 - 20: Paint and finalize Jack's hands. Carve new Halloween countdown stone.
Week 4 - Aug. 21 - 27: Complete Countdown stone & paint Edward Goery urn ;)
Week 5 - Aug. 31 - Sept. 5/6 (extended 5 day weekend): Complete Goery urn and begin and complete new stained glass window project.
I feel like this is do-able. I'm going to plan the final 4 weeks once I see how the first couple go. Then of course I'll have some time in October, but I don't want to rely on those last few weeks to finish anything up.
Ready? Set? Let's go!!!
What a great idea!